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Keita Mori, Ph.D

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Graduate School of Engineering

Department of Applied Chemistry

​Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (CPD)

2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan

Room 231, No. 4 Building, Koganei campus.

E-mail: keitamori[at]

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2014.4–2018.3: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo (B.Sci)

2017.2–2017.3: Visiting Student, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge (Prof. Jonathan Nitschke group)
2018.4–2020.3: Department
 of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo (M.Sci)

2020.4–2023.3: Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo (Ph.D)

2022.1–2022.4: Visiting Researcher, Department of Chemistry, McGill University (Prof. Hanadi Sleiman group)

Professional Appointments

2021.4–2023.3: JSPS Research Fellow (DC2, Fellowship for Young Scientists)

2023.3–2023.9: JSPS Research Fellow (PD, Fellowship for Young Scientists)

2023.10–Present: JSPS Research Fellow (CPD, Fellowship for Young Scientists)

​2024.4–Present: Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

2024.10–Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Prof. Ronald Raines group)


2024.5: The 18th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC2024), Best Poster Award

2024.2: Springer Theses Award

2023.9: Poster Award for Young Scientists, The 73rd JSCC (Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry) Conference

2023.3: Research Encouragement Award, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

2022.11: Next Generation Award, 39th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium 

2021.11: ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award, The 48th International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry (ISNAC 2021) 

2021.10: Excellent Poster Award, The 11th Subway Seminar

2021.8: Excellent Student Poster Award, FIBER Japan Society of Nucleic Acids Chemistry Youth Forum

2021.7: Excellent Poster Award, The 32nd Summer School of Division of Biofunctional Chemistry

2021.6: Excellent Poster Award, The 1st Molecular Engine Symposium

2021.3: CSJ Student Presentation Award, The 101st Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan

2019.8: Excellent Poster Award, Summer School of Young Coordination Chemist’s Association Japan

2019.6: Springer Nature Poster Award, 15th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry (ISABC15)



​Ligase-mediated synthesis of CuII-responsive allosteric DNAzyme with bifacial 5-carboxyuracil nucleobases

Yusuke Takezawa, Hanci Zhang, Keita Mori, Lingyun Hu, Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 2365–2370. (Inside Back Cover)


​Minimalist Design of Wireframe DNA Nanotubes: Tunable Geometry, Size, Chirality, and Dynamics

Xin Luo, Daniel Saliba, Tianxiao Yang, Serena Gentile, Keita Mori, Patricia Islas, Trishalina Das, Neda Bagheri, Alessandro Porchetta, Alba Guarne, Gonzalo Cosa, Hanadi F. Sleiman

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023​, e202309869.


​Metal-mediated DNA strand displacement and molecular device operations based on base-pair switching of 5-hydroxyuracil nucleobases

Yusuke Takezawa, Keita Mori, Wei-En Huang, Kotaro Nishiyama, Tong Xing, Takahiro Nakama, Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Nat. Commun. 202314, 4759.



Metal-dependent base paring of bifacial iminodiacetic acid-modified uracil bases for switching DNA hybridization partner

Keita Mori, Yusuke Takezawa, Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Chem. Sci. 202314, 1082–1088. (Outside Back Cover) 



Metal-responsive Reversible Binding of Triplex-forming Oligonucleotides with 5-Hydroxyuracil Nucleobases

Kotaro Nishiyama, Keita Mori, Yusuke Takezawa, Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Chem. Commun. 202157, 2487–2490. (Outside Back Cover)



​Metal-Responsive Base Pair Switching of Ligand-type Uracil Nucleobases

Keita Mori

Book Series of "Springer Theses"

Invited Lectures

2022.11.5: Young Researchers' Forum in The 49th International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry (ISNAC 2022)

“Coordination-driven Base-pair Switching of 5-Hydroxyuracil Nucleobases for Controlling DNA Strand Displacement and Molecular Devices”

2021.12.1:  The 2nd Molecular Engine Symposium

“Coordination-driven Operation of DNA Tweezers Based on Metal Complexation of 5-Hydroxyuracil Nucleobases”

Copyright ©Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology All rights reserved. 

Copyright ©東京農工大学 ​大学院 工学研究院 応用化学専攻グローバルイノベーション研究院 村岡研究室 All rights reserved. 

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