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Takahiro Muraoka, PhD

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Institute of Global Innovation Research


Graduate School of Engineering

Department of Applied Chemistry (Additional Post)

2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan

Room 231, No. 4 Building, Koganei campus.

E-mail: muraoka[at]



1998 Apr 1–2002 Mar 31

The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Engineering (B.Eng)
2002 Apr 1–2004 Mar 31

The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Grad. School of Engineering (M.Eng)
2004 Apr 1–2007 Mar 31

The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Grad. School of Engineering (Ph.D., Aida Lab)

Professional Appointments

2004 Apr 1–2007 Mar 31

JSPS Researcher (Young Scientists Fellowship)
2006 Jul 6–2008 Apr 30

Visiting Scholar, Northwestern Univ (Stupp Lab).
2007 Apr 1–2008 Apr 30

JSPS Researcher (Research Fellowship for Young Scientists)
2008 May 1–2015 Apr 30

Assistant Professor, Tohoku Univ., Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials
2015 May 1–2017 Jan 31

Assistant Professor, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, School of Life Science and Technology
2013 Oct 1–2017 Mar 31

JST PRESTO Researcher
2017 Feb 1–2020 Nov 30

Associate Professor (PI), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering

2020 Dec 1–Present

Professor (PI), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Institute of Global Innovation Research

2021 April 1–Present

KISTEC Researcher


2019: Mazda Foundation Research Award
2018: Espec Foundation Research Award
2018: President Award of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2018: Amano Enzyme Foundation Research Award
2016: 2016 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
2016: Poster Presentation Prize in Japan–Taiwan Joint Seminar on Energy and Environment for Young Chemists (Polymorphic Transition of Multi–Block Macrocycles, Kota Nabeya, Takahiro Muraoka, Kazushi Kinbara)
2016: The Young Scientists’ Prize in The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2015: Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists
2014: Biofunctional Chemistry Symposium Presentation Award
2014: Chemical Society of Japan Presentation Award
2013: Hatano Grant Award for Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials
2013: Sekisui Chemical Grant Award
2010: Chemical Society of Japan Presentation Award for Young Chemists
2009: Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists
2007: Dean’s Prize (The Univ. of Tokyo, Grad. School of Engineering)
2006: Chemical Society of Japan Presentation Award for Students

Invited Lectures

2020.12.14-20: Pacifichem 2020 (Honolulu, Hawai, USA)


2020.11.5: Seminar of SPSJ Kanto Branch Ibaraki Area (Tsukuba, Japan)


2020.9.26: Tohoku Branch Symposium of the Chemical Society of Japan, Hachinohe, Japan.

“Protein Stabilization by Small Organic Molecules”

2020.8.26--28: The 5th International Symposium for Molecular Neurodegenerative Disease Research 5 (ISMNDR-5) (Korea)


2020.7.9: 2020 World Conference on Protein Science (Sapporo, Japan)


2019.11.13: π-EJ 2019, European-Japanese Workshop (Zabrze, Poland)

“Macroscopic Membrane Deformation by Stimuli-responsive Functional Molecules”

2019.10.25: International Symposium on Protein Folding and Misfolding-related Aggregation (KRIBB, Daejeon, South Korea)

“Structured PEGs for Protein Stabilization”

2019.9.26 (Requested Presentation): SPSJ Symposium on Macromolecules (Fukui, Japan)

“Biochemistry Inspired by Mechanical Motions of Biomolecules”

2019.7.6: Summer Symposium of Kanto Branch, The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (Tokai Univ., Kanagawa, Japan)

“Design of Protein Stabilizing Small Molecules”

2019.7.5: Seminar at Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)

“Protein Folding Acceleration by Redox-Active Molecules”

2018.11.6: π-EJ 2018, European-Japanese Workshop (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

“Stimuli-Responsive Multiblock Molecules in Membrane and Crystal”

2018.9.18: Seminar at National Defense Academy of Japan (Kanagawa, Japan)

“Supramolecular Chemistry to Mimic and Manipulate Biomolecules”

2018.6.1: 19th Amano Enzyme Symposium, Award Lecture (Nagoya, Japan)

“Enzyme Stabilization by Stimuli-responsive Molecules”

2018.3.21: 17th Conference of The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine (Yokohama, Japan)

“Control of Cell Adhesion by Photo-responsive Peptide Amphiphiles”

2018.3.6: Symposium on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (Tokyo, Japan)

“Functional Molecules Inspired by Protein Mimetics”

2018.2.23: Symposium of IMRAM Young Researchers for Exchange (Sendai, Japan)

“Functional Molecules Inspired by Protein Mimetics”

2017.12.16: 4th Symposium for Young Researchers on π–Figuration (Yokohama, Japan)

“Functional Molecules Inspired by Proteins”

2017.12.12: Symposium on Frontier of Biofunctional Chemistry, ISBC 2017 Pre-Symposium Meeting (Yokohama, Japan)

“Multiblock Molecules for Membrane Functionalization”

2017.11.16: Seminar at University of Bordeaux, LCPO (Bordeaux, France)

“Bio-Inspired Multi-Block Amphiphiles”

2017.11.13: π-System Figuration, German-Japanese Workshop (Heidelberg, Germany)

“Stimuli Responses of Multiblock Molecules with Aromatic and PEG Units”

2017.8.31: The 2nd FRIS Retreat, Sendai, Japan.
“Functional Molecules at the Interface between Chemistry and Biology"

2017.8.2–4: Summer Camp of SPSJ Polymer Seminar for Young Researchers, Chiba, Japan.
“Development and Applications of Multi-block Molecules Inspired by Proteins”

2017.6.25: Celebrating Four Decades of Research on Self-Assembling Materials (Evanston, IL, USA)

“Bio-Inspired Multi-Block Amphiphiles”

2017.6.9 (Keynote Lecture): International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC) 2017 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

“Development of Multi-block Amphiphiles for Bio-related Functions”

2017.3.4: Seminar at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
“Synthetic Approach for Protein Manipulation”

2017.1.21: Workshop on “Soft Molecular Systems”, Tokyo, Japan.
“Bioinspired Functional Molecules with Rigid and Flexible Units”

2016.11.17: The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Symposium on Interaction between Biological Membranes and Drugs, Nagoya, Japan.
“Synthetic Approach to Reconstruct Membrane Proteins”

2016.10.28: 28th SPSJ Biomaterials Symposium for Young Researchers, Tokyo, Japan
“Membrane-Functionalizing Molecules Inspired by Proteins”

2016.10.5–9 (Keynote Lecture): 14th International Congress of Young Chemists YoungChem 2016, Czestochowa, Poland.
“Bio-inspired Multi-block Molecules”

2016.9.14–16 (Requested Presentation): 65th SPSJ Symposium on Macromolecules, Yokohama, Japan.
“Functionalization of Vesicular Membranes by Multi-block Amphiphiles”

2016.8.15–18: International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC) 2016, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
“Bio-inspired Multi-block Amphiphiles Functioning in Membrane and Crystal”

2016.7.8: FIBER International Summit for Nucleic Acids (FISNA) 2016 at Konan University, Kobe, Japan.
“Structured and Amphiphilic PEGs for Bio-related Chemistry”

2016.6.24: JSPS Bilateral Program, Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Energy and Environment for Young Chemists, Gaoxiong, Taiwan.
“Bio-inspired Multi-block Molecules”

2016.5.20: Meeting in Supramolecular Chemistry Group, the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
“Dynamic Function of Self-Assembling Multi-Block Amphiphiles”

2016.3.27: Chemical Society of Japan, 96th Annual Spring Meeting, Kyoto, Japan.
“Dynamic Supramolecular Ion Channels Inspired by Membrane Proteins”

2016.3.22: Seminar at Otto-Diels-Institut für Organische Chemie, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
“Bio-inspired Supramolecular Chemistry in Solution, Membrane and Crystals”

2016.3.21: Seminar at Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
“Short and Monodispersed PEGs as a Stimuli-responsive Unit for Protein Stabilization and Crystalline Polymorphism”

2016.3.18: Japan-Germany Joint Workshop on “Molecular Technology”, Berlin, Germany.
“Bio-inspired Design of Supramolecular Ion Channels”

2016.3.15: Seminar at the Institute of Bioengineering, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
“Structured and Amphiphilic PEGs for Bio-inspired Chemistry”

2015.9.26: Prof. Miyano Project Symposium in Aoyama Gakuin University, Sagamihara, Japan.
“Mimicking Membrane Proteins by Synthetic Molecules”

2015.9.12: Tohoku Branch Symposium of the Chemical Society of Japan, Hirosaki, Japan.
“Multi-Block Amphiphiles Functioning in Membrane and Crystalline Media”

2015.6.26: The 32nd International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Makuhari, Japan
“Development of Stimuli-Resposnsive Multi-Block Amphiphiles”

2015.6.13: IMS Asian International Symposium (Supramolecular Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology), Okazaki, Japan.
“Bioinspired Multi-block Amphiphiles”

2015.3.28: Award Lecture in Chemical Society of Japan, 95th Annual Spring Meeting, Chiba, Japan.
“Development of Stimuli–Responsive Functional Molecules Inspired by Nature”

2015.3.27: Asian International Symposium in Chemical Society of Japan, 95th Annual Spring Meeting, Chiba, Japan.
“Synthetic Approach to Mimic Membrane Proteins”

2015.3.27: Chemical Society of Japan, 95th Annual Spring Meeting, Chiba, Japan.
“Development of Synthetic Protein Mimics toward Molecular Treatment Technology for Protein Diseases”

2015.3.11: Seminar in School of Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland
“Stimuli-Responsive Functional Molecules Inspired by Nature”

2015.3.9: France–Japan, Molecular Technology Symposium, Paris, France
“Multi–block Amphiphiles as Synthetic Mimics of Membrane Proteins”

2015.3.4: Kyushu Branch Symposium of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Fukuoka, Japan.
“Functions of Multi-Block Amphiphiles in Membrane and Crystal”

2014.8.24–30: IUMRS-ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
“Multi-Block Amphiphiles –Folding and Functions–”

2014.8.13: Organic Chemistry Seminar at Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
“Functional Multiblock Amphiphiles –Supramolecular Chemistry in Membrane and Crystal–”

2014.3.11: Noguchi Institute Grant Lecture, Tokyo, Japan.
“Development and Functions of Multipass Transmembrane Prortein Synthetic Mimics”

2013.9.2: Ochanomizu University, Department of Chemistry Lecture Series, Tokyo, Japan.
“Bio-Inspired and Bio-Functional Molecules”

2013.6.24: Collaborative Conference on Materials Research, Jeju Island, Korea.
“Discrete PEGs with Distinctive Functions”

2011.6.11: 7th International Workshop on Supramolecular Nanoscience of Chemically Programmed Pigments (SNCPP 11), Shiga, Japan.
“Mimicking Multipass Transmembrane Proteins: Folding and Assembly of Alternating Amphiphilic Multiblock Molecules in Liposomal Membranes”

2011.3.28: Asian International Symposium, in Chemical Society of Japan, 91st Annual Spring Meeting, Kanagawa, Japan.
“Mimicking Multipass Transmembrane Proteins: Folding and Assembly of Alternating Amphiphilic Multiblock Molecules in Liposomal Membranes”

2010.3.28: Lectures of Young Chemists, Chemical Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan.
“Light-Triggered Transformation and Transmission of Mechanical Motions through Covalent and Non-Covalent Bonds”

2009.11.19: Tohoku Branch Symposium of the Society of Polymer Science, Hirosaki, Japan.
“Photo–Conversion of Highly Ordered Peptide Amphiphiles Structures”

Books (Only English Books)

1) 2020. Aug. (in preparation): Takahiro Muraoka, TBA in Soft Matter for Biomedical Applications, The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Eds. João F. Mano and João Borges.

2) 2018. Dec.: Michio Murakoshi, Takahiro Muraoka, Molecular Technology for Membrane Functionalization in Molecular Technology, Volume 2: Life Innovation, WILEY, Eds. Hisashi Yamamoto and Takashi Kato (2018), 183–202.

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